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Episode 006

006 The Functional Nerds

In the sixth episode of The Functional Nerds, Patrick Hester and John Anealio are joined by the first recruit in the 3rd Nerd Army: Kate Sherrod!  Together with Kate, we chat about: C2E2, Comic book conventions, Shakespeare, sonnets, Doctor Who, Netflix, Lost, the channel formerly known as SciFi, Wrestling, Wizard’s of the Coast & the Anaheim comic con, Mile-High Con, Magic the Gathering, Cheyenne WY, The US Airforce, collecting comics, independent comics, Brandon Sanderson, Jordancon, pen & paper RPGs, Dungeons & Dragons, Risk, Warhammer, HP Lovecraft, Weezer, in the garage, X-Men, Nightcrawler, 20-sided die, KISS, Ace Freely, Avatar’s upcoming Crossed motion picture, Zombie books, Garth Ennis, Jason Burrows, Richard Starkings, Elephantmen, Iron Man, Kevin Colden, Dan Dougherty, Beardo, Rotten, Moonstone, Raphael Nieves, the evil eye books crew, Joe Quesada, Marion Call, George Robb, Phil Rossi, the Geek Dad podcast, ladies apparel, Jinx, Think Geek, Chopshop Store, Blizzcon, women in comics, Kate learns not to ask Patrick for names of people because he doesn’t remember names…, WebComics, Scott Kurtz, PVPOnline, David Malki, Wondermark, Dark Horse, Star Wars, Conan, Doctor Solar, Jim Schutter, Hellboy, Heir to the Empire, Dark Empire, Tales of the Jedi, Knights of the old Republic, Heroes Only comic books in Cheyenne, Migh High Comics, Chew, Image comics, Atomic Robo, the massive mega Marvel Crossover Events, Coupling, British television vs American television seasons, Christopher Eccleston, Heroes, Captain America, Chris Evans, Johnny Storm, Alex Ross, John Hamm (Don Draper), The Roger Corman Fantastic Four flick, Dolph Lundgren’s Punisher movie, John’s obsession/devotion to Jean-Claude Van Dam, The Mullet, Comixology, the iPad, Pulp Pixel, Buffy the Vampire Slayer Season Eight, Angel After the Fall, Balticon 2010, Mur Lafferty, Ace of Cakes & DIA.

© 2010 Patrick Hester & John Anealio

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